Olivia Cannizzo

Olivia Cannizzo

lawn edging ideas

Lawn Edging Ideas

Are you looking to completely transform your yard so you can have the best curb appeal on the block? A clean cut, well-defined edge is just what you need in order for your front yard landscape design to...

game room ideas

Game Room Ideas

Do you have a gamer in your house that is dying to have their own space, so they can play video games into the wee hours of the night? Or, maybe you're wanting a game room so your...

pantry shelving ideas

Pantry Shelving Ideas for 2023

Whether you're needing pantry shelving ideas to make your space feel twice as big or are just needing some clever storage ideas, you've come to the right place. A pantry is truly a sacred space in your home...and...

what is a pikler triangle

What is a Pikler Triangle?

Image via Pottery Barn Kids Heard of a pikler triangle but not quite sure what it is or where it comes from? Or maybe you're trying to decide if your little one could benefit from a climbing triangle?...

small bedroom designs and ideas

Small Bedroom Designs and Ideas

There isn't quite anything like living in cramped quarters, but it isn't always up to us to decide the square footage of our bedroom. However, that doesn't mean that you can't incorporate a few hacks to transition your...

DIY fireplace ideas

Best DIY Fireplace Ideas

Feeling like your fireplace is just...well, blah? Lucky for you, there is hope for even the most boring fireplace designs and what's even better, is you can remodel it yourself! Therefore, follow along for the best DIY fireplace...

fireplace decor ideas

Best Fireplace Decor Ideas

A fireplace really is the heart and soul of a room...a true focal point. Therefore, you not only want your fireplace design to be the coziest spot in the house, you also want it to look great year-round!...

fireplace design ideas

Best Fireplace Design Ideas

With winter fast approaching, it's almost fireplace season! So, we understand the need for an eye-catching, cozy fireplace to keep you warm as the months get chillier. Therefore, these fireplace design ideas will light up your home design,...

40 christmas candy recipes

40 Christmas Candy Recipes

Indulging in alll the sweets is one of the best parts of the holiday season. The taste of homemade fudge, chewy peppermint bark and warm Christmas cookies just can not be beat. However, it can be challenging to...

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